Tag: Dissertation Data Analysis Help
As a part of the dissertation proposal, a scholar has to state the exact manner in which he plans to use his data, define the relationship between variables and arrive at the result of analysis. When you learn about the interrelations of the variables, you will be able to construct a chain of variables, called … Continue reading “Dissertation Proposal Statistics involving causal modelling”
Statistics, like mathematics is a funny subject. It stays difficult as long as you cannot understand it. Once you get the hang of things, start remembering the formulae and nurture an interest in it, statistics can be easy. One reason why most students find statistics unnerving is that the subject is introduced at a later … Continue reading “Tips to make statistics easy at the master’s level”
Undertaking statistical data analysis has become one of the most challenging tasks for every doctoral student. The tedious nature of dissertation data analysis makes it one of the most complicated tasks in the entire dissertation writing process. There are some students who feel that gathering assistance on dissertation statistics is cheating. This is entirely false. … Continue reading “Is getting dissertation statistics help cheating?”