Category: Dissertation Help
Jane was thorough with her statistical knowledge. She had worked on her research concepts before venturing into academic research. There was nothing that she lacked in terms of her skills to be a great researcher. But, it wasn’t working that ways. There was something that was needed to get the desired output from her efforts. … Continue reading “Can Writers Be Productive?”
Numbers are used in a wide array of disciplines. One would be hard pressed to find a discipline where one does not have to play around with them to get a result. Everyone knows that finance and economics are disciplines that depend a great deal on numbers. Practitioners in these fields have to be very … Continue reading “The art of playing with numbers”
Primary research comprises both qualitative and quantitative research, and data collected from both forms of research can be performed well with the guidance of statistical tools, covering the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Qualitative research comprises in-depth interviews whereas quantitative research comprises surveys and polls. Since the sample size for surveys and polls is … Continue reading “Present your data well after conducting primary research”
It is of interest for many to understand the importance of the academic research they are planning to conduct. Some students do not even understand its importance even after starting on the process. Thus, here is something basic that every researcher needs to understand at all levels. Firstly, any are of academic research has unlimited … Continue reading “The Importance of Conducting Academic Research”