How do you Determine Appropriate Sample Size for your Study?

Calculating the precise sample size is an important aspect of a research (especially in the medical field). It defines validity and applicability of the key findings of the study. Different studies follow different approach to calculate the sample size.  Defining sample size  Sample size is the number of observations drawn from a particular population. Sample … Continue reading “How do you Determine Appropriate Sample Size for your Study?”

Know the Difference: Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test in Statistics

Statistical tests are mind bogglers! Collection, organisation, interpretation and analysis of data and results constitutes an integral part of statistics. Statistical tests, are basically the medium through which we can approximate solutions when the processes are highly complex or unknown in their true forms. Statistical tests are classified into parametric test, and non parametric test … Continue reading “Know the Difference: Parametric Test and Non-Parametric Test in Statistics”