Author: Alex wilson
Research Question and Research Problem are often used as synonyms in reference to the problem that is desired to be investigated. From the mind-set that is followed in the research process, the problem that is desired to be solved is done by putting up a lot of questions so the research problem becomes the foundation … Continue reading “Defining the research problem: The How and the Why!”
What are dream supervisors made up of? Well, a dream supervisor has the following qualities Wisdom Positivity Communication skills Analytical clarity Patience In-depth knowledge Creativity Empathy, to name a few. I am sure by the end of the list, you have understood pretty well that dream supervisors do not exist and are merely utopian. Even … Continue reading “The Love Hate Relationship Between You and Your Supervisor”
The objective of each writer is to bring in perfection in his work and make sure that his writing is flawless. Well, for that you need very good and impeccable writing skills and to add to that you need to know how to avoid mistakes when you write, in the first place itself. What are … Continue reading “Tips to Eliminate Mistakes from your Research Paper”
The job of a research question is to express accurately in words what you desire to learn and explore in a particular topic by the means of research, whether qualitative or quantitative. There is no thumb rule or perfect formula that exists for a research question. In fact, better said would be that the perfect … Continue reading “Effective writing ideas for a perfect research question”
Firstly, let us understand what is a dissertation outlines so that if you are one of those who is writing a dissertation and does not have one yet, you wait no more and create it as the first thing after reading this blog. A dissertation outline is a list that is a summary of the … Continue reading “How Does a Dissertation Outline Help?”