Author: admin
During the course of my PhD itself I had decided that I wanted to publish my thesis as a book. But I was clueless about how to go ahead with this process. In the due course, I learnt the steps and process. You may find this blog helpful if you are a first timer wanting … Continue reading “How Do You Make a Book out of Your Dissertation?”
For a long time, hypnosis has been called as a manipulative tool. In a lot of sciences, such as psychology primarily and medicine and forensic sciences, it has been found to be used. When we talk of this technique to be used to read the mind of a consumer for the purpose of selling him … Continue reading “Have You Heard of Hypnosis in Qualitative Research?”
So you are a new student enrolled in a PhD programme? Great!! I am sure you have been through a very strict and grilling screening process to be here and this would lead you to what we call as the pinnacle of academic success, a doctoral degree. Within you , at this time, there must … Continue reading “Are You a New PhD Student?”
The foremost task is to find out a research area that is promising and looks like a worthy area of research. Your own interest in it is very important. Never forget that!! Cathy, in her attempt to quickly finalise the topic, chose a closed area of research , clinical psychology for a consumer behaviour research. … Continue reading “Identifying Literature Gap”
The more effortless the writing, better the outcome. There are ways in which you can train yourself to become a less stressed writer and make effortless writing your way of working. 1. Dilute the pressure: A lot of veteran writers have been for ages have recommended sitting in front of the computer from morning 9 … Continue reading “Effortless Writing Is Blissful Writing: Make It Your Way in Your PhD”